Training Survey

Conducting economic webinars and training sessions within the community is one of my Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals. The idea is to transfer my acquired knowledge, skills, and experience to young professionals at minimal cost (Discounted Fee).
Please help me plan the upcoming webinars/training sessions by filling out the below survey form. I will consider your training needs based on the survey data. For any query (other than this survey), please contact me to reach my inbox.
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Which course(s) do you need?
You can select any three courses (max) based on the priority of your need.
Select Others if your profession isn’t listed here.
How did you know about my courses?
Which day do you prefer to attend the online training?
Day selection
What time do you prefer to attend the online training? (PST)
Time selection
For FREE courses announcements.
For training material sharing.
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