Elevator Installation (Part 1)

Dear Elevators/Lifts Engineers,
I would like to share my personal experience with the Elevator professionals.
To become a Professional Elevator/Lift Engineer, you have to learn the core technology first. You must have full command of each aspect of field operations. Your practical skills and experience will make you different from others and help you inspire your team members and even seniors.
“Do what you love, and love what you do.”

First stage:
Fresh engineers must start with a blue color routine. You must love to touch and feel every elevator part with your hands. You must know, how to:
1.      Protect yourself and others (Basic Safety, PPE, risks/hazards & countermeasures).
2.      Read the layout plans/drawings.
3.      Measure the shaft dimensions.
4.      Coordinate for the correction of civil works rectifications to meet the requirements.
5.      Loading, unloading, and hoisting/rigging of material.
6.      Mechanical installation (Starting from template)
You must be able to recognize each component and know how to assemble/install them as per the standards set by the manufacturer.
In the early stage, Elevator technicians are the best teachers. Respect them, support them, become one of their obedient team members and you will start learning techniques.
They may not be able to teach you logic, theories, and principles, but they know how to do things.
The more you work with your own hands, the better skills you will develop.
Elevator installation is a physically hard and hazardous activity. You should master the skills of always keeping the “Safety First” philosophy in your mind.
The first stage may last for a minimum of one year, till you are familiar with various specifications and models.

If you feel this article may add value to someone, please share it with your colleagues and concerned young professionals.

Second stage:
Testing and commissioning. (To be continued……………….)

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