Books are the best teachers

Hello Friends,

An average CEO reads 60 books every year.

A good book is like a teacher, a mentor, a guide, and a coach, which is available at your disposal 24×7 without any complaint.

As wise men said, “Tell me what you are reading and I will tell you who you are”.

Today, I am going to share the names of my personal 40 favorite books related to “Business”, “Leadership & Management”, “Sales & Marketing” & “Personal Development”. These books are the best sellers in their categories and can be found on the internet for free but I recommend buying them from your nearest bookshop one by one based on your field of interest.

Please do let me know, which of the following books, have you read already and which book you found the best in each category.

Here goes my list:

🏆🏆Leadership & Management

1. Small Acts of Leadership

2. The Power of Positive Leadership

3. Learning Leadership

4. Leader Eat Last

5. First, Break all the rules 

6. Strengths-Based Leadership

7. Great Team

8. Five Minds of the Future

9. Expert Secret

10. Leading the Charge

💎Personal Development

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

2. Million Dollar Habits

3. Awakening the Giant Within

4. Eat That Frog

5. Maximum Achievement

6. How to Stop Worrying & Start Living

7. The Magic of Thinking Big

8. The 5 Second Rule

9. The Miracle Morning

10. Think and Grow Rich


1. Rich Dad Poor Dad

2. Good to Great

3. The Millionaire Next Door

4. The Richest Man in Babylon

5. Speed of Trust

6. Hacking Growth

7. The Blue Ocean Strategy

8. Angel

9. Business Brilliant

10. Side Hustle

💸💸Sales & Marketing

1. One Page Marketing Plan 

2. 80/20 Sales & Marketing 

3. Advanced Selling Strategies

4. Ask More

5. The Four Disciplines of Execution

6. More Sale less Time

7. Objections 

8. The Miracle Morning for Sales People

9. The New Expert 

10. Word of Mouth Marketing 

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